Friday, April 4, 2014

My God

                                                                     My God

My God is not a mysterious person in the sky... my god is called Logic.

When I disobey my God, and act illogically, there are consequences to my actions.  I do not reach my goal(s) and as a result, my life suffers a temporary or permanent set back.

My God can be proven; that is, its essence is with us every day.  If it were not, you would have no understanding of the words written here... heck, you probably would not be alive if you were completely without logic.

My God is simple.  "If A then B" is a great starting point for following my god.

My God has never killed an innocent person... although people have died as a result of not following my god in some cases... but Logic itself is incapable of killing anyone.

My God does not require me to believe many things which I know are non-sense, such as talking snakes, in order to believe its narrative.  The narrative is simple; if you want to live, follow Logic.  If you don't, and you decide not to eat when you need food or drink when you need water, you will not make it.  In fact, my god demands that I question things that sound unrealistic.

My God does not need big buildings or men and women dressed in goofy outfits to get followers.  It gets followers on its own merit. 

Unlike any other God, if children were indoctrinated with a belief in my God, there would not be such resistance as there is with the mystical person in the sky, and children would actually benefit... for raising children with a foundation in Logic may actually be useful for them their entire lives, and does not require threatening their soul with eternal damnation.

My God does not require any other God to not exist in order to be proven.  It simply says "Ok, show me some proof of that."  while other Gods(?) say "Following me is of the utmost importance, and no, I will no prove myself to exist to you, you simply must believe it."

I am not always the best follower of My God, for I am human and prone to err.  But that does not invalidate the authenticity of my god...  if anything, it reinforces it... for it takes following Logic to prove someone has acted illogically.

My God is the most powerful force known to man.  Without him we may not have ever come out of our caves.  and yet, unlike other gods, it does not require money...  Logic does not demand you to give any percentage of your income to anyone.  Rather, it would ask you to question who it is you give your money to and determine if it is what you really want.  

You may say you choose not to follow my god, but we both know that to be a lie.  You follow logic when it suits you and perhaps use energy rejecting logic when that suits you... no doubt to gain some end that you have in mind... which in and of itself is an act based on logic... it is to say "if i question this or look at it logically, I may not believe it, so I won't."  Now, there are reasons which you may do this... I am not here to question the why, but to point out the action.  See Cognitive Dissonance.

                                            Thank You for reading about My God.  

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