As I watch my step kids play with their maps, it hit me like a bolt of lightning how ingrained in mankind the delusion of government is. The propaganda machine begins almost instantly in life. These kids, who are 2 and 3, are given these maps to play with, in order to teach them about the world and so forth. But these maps have all sorts of lines on them which don't exist on the earth. These lines are meant to separate the different states within the borders of the united states. The problem here is these states don't exist, and neither does the country that they are inside of.
Sure, there is a piece of land that is shaped just how the map shows, but where the borders between the states do not exist. When we travel from state to state, and pass where the borders on this map are drawn, we do not encounter anything but a sign to let us know... and that sign was made by man, not the Earth. There is no gigantic wall in place in which man had to alter to get through, there is no sort of portal which takes one to the next state, nor is there any other extraordinary obstacle in the nature of the earth which separates these states. There is ONLY a sign which reads something like "Welcome to Nebraska" or "Florida Welcomes You."
Indeed, if one looks at the Earth from space, one will not observe lines as they exist on a map. So why are they there?
Well, the answer to that is pretty well known. The lines are there to divide the jurisdiction of the different state governments. The sign that says "Welcome to Nebraska" is actually just communicating "You are now subject to the laws of the government which we have named 'Nebraska.'"
I will take a moment here to address a common objection to what I am saying. The argument is that these borders don't exist and neither does Nebraska; all that exists is the land and the people... they are really just things man has used his imagination to manufacture for his own reasons. Some people argue that if that is true, then Gold must not exist either, and that what does exist is the metal. It's true that "Gold" is but a name given to the metal, but the borders are nothing physical which can be touched at all! They are merely lines drawn on a map and signs on the road created by man... You can grab gold and touch it and feel its texture, you cannot touch a border and feel its texture. Again, borders are imaginary lines which cannot be felt in reality like metal can.
But at a young age, we are all taught that these states exist just as sure as gold exists. That is not the case. What really exists is land, lines on maps, and people with guns.
If you define government as I do, "an organization made up of people who claim for themselves the right to use aggressive force against peaceful individuals" then you must admit government to be a criminal organization. (If you are a new reader, I suggest checking out the links to the side and some of my older blog posts; I do not expect you to accept the definition I have given here at will)
So what are we doing when we talk about the different "countries" and the different "states" around the world? We are subjecting our interpretation of the world to the imaginations of criminals.
How radical does it sound for a person to say "I don't believe countries exist"? Because that is the truth, they do not exist. What exists is land and people with guns fighting over who gets to take advantage of the land and the people in a given area. And when we teach ourselves that these countries exist in reality, we accept borders at a very early age, and actually believe they are meaningful in some way. It is also easy for this to lead to the ideas of nationalism which are used to manipulate people into serving their "country" by killing others in its name, and pledging allegiance to it (which ultimately means pledging allegiance to that same group of criminals known as the government).
When I say I don't believe countries exist, what I'm saying is everything that divides these pieces of land up into separate countries, and in the end separates mankind as a whole, is made up by various different gangs, and I will not play along. I will not treat others around the world as different from me just because they were born on a different piece of land. As long as people believe these countries exist in reality and not in man's mind, the human species will always be divided.
As far as I am concerned, the belief in countries is no different than the belief and Santa Claus. Children are taught that this jolly fat man in a red suit brings presents every year in Christmas. Eventually, they find out that is not true, and it's really their parents doing all they can to give the best childhood possible.
Children are taught that countries and states exist, and that they are separated by borders. Rarely do they ever come to the same conclusion as with Santa; that these borders don't really exist, and that it's really different groups of thugs dividing land out for themselves. This, despite knowing that borders have changed time and again over time. If I say Santa doesn't exist, nobody would even acknowledge the statement having been made. If I say countries don't exist, well, that's another story for some reason.
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